
Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year, New Novel!

Happy New Year's!

When we flip over the page to a new year, it's always natural to reflect backward and look forward. 

Looking back at 2016, I find myself grateful -- for readers, friends, and family members who have been so supportive of my novels. I've been writing for many years, but never dreamed that more than a handful of people would ever read my work. I'm particularly thankful to my publisher, Red Adept Publishing, who took a chance on me in 2013, and to those of you who have supported my novels along the way, even before I was published---cheering me on, encouraging me not to let go of my dreams.

As I look ahead to 2017, I'm excited to finish edits on Book 4 ("Savoring the Seasons") and to begin work on Book 5 in the Chilton Crosse series. I'm wondering what's in front of these characters and can't wait to watch them continue their journeys.  I'll be sure to post the highlights to my author page along the way -- book cover reveal, release dates, hints about Book 5...

Here's to a wonderful New Year for us all! May your days be merry and bright!
