
Thursday, September 1, 2016

It's That Time Again -- Bring on the Edits!

I'm thrilled to announce that my fourth book in the Chilton Crosse series, newly titled Savoring the Seasons, has been contracted once again with Red Adept Publishing!  They've moved swiftly, and the manuscript is already in content edits.

I won't have any sort of release date for awhile, but I'll be working hard this semester (in between grading freshman essays!) to finish up the content and line edits.  Next, it's the book cover and then a release date.  I'm hoping for early 2017.  Exciting!

Here's a blurb I recently wrote, which sums up the plot. This book focuses on Julia, Old Mr. Bentley's daughter:

Julia Bentley has just spent her fortieth birthday doing what she always does—baking treats for the customers in her Cotswold bakery and taking care of her elderly father. She doesn’t realize how stagnant her life has become until a younger man, Tristan Hannigan, arrives at the village. As Julia grows closer to Tristan, he begins to season her mundane days and to challenge her insecurities about herself and how she views the world.

But the relationship is threatened when Julia’s doubts become too great and a secret she's keeping creates a wedge between them. Will Julia choose the easy route, slipping back into her daily routine and living without love? Or will she find the courage to follow her heart and accept the love she deserves?

I'll be sure to keep my website current with updates along the way.

And if you've read any of my Chilton Crosse novels -- thank you!  Your support is so appreciated.