
Saturday, December 20, 2014

End-of-year Reflections

It's natural to approach the holidays with a certain wistfulness--a looking behind, a looking ahead. An assessment, a taking stock.  Where have I been and where am I going?

As I glance backward at this past year, it's been busy, challenging, surreal, and overall amazing.  Publication-wise, my first novel, Painting the Moon, was published via Red Adept, an incredible group of professionals and experts.  My friends and family have been more supportive than I'd even dreamed.  I even had a book party launch in July, complete with book posters, a signing, and a cake with my cover on display!

As well, I've edited two books, and Book 2 in the series will soon be released (March or April).  I can't believe I just typed that sentence.  Especially after 20 years of rejections (for various novels) with frustrating close calls and heartbreaking "almosts."  But then, finally, came a "YES!" and away we went.

Also, this holiday season, I'm still feeling the tangible grief from my father's passing in September of 2013, and this will be my second Christmas without him.  And though he never got to see my novels in print, he read all three in this series and was aware that my dream of getting published had finally been fulfilled. That's special to me.

Looking ahead, I see busy days as a full-time writing teacher and full-time author.  I'm thrilled by the hopeful possibility of publishing Book 3 in future days, as well as writing Book 4 during my summer break.  Busy days.  Good days.  Blessed days.

So, this holiday season, wherever you are and whatever your life looks like, even through the ups and downs, I wish you peace and comfort and joy.  And good days ahead.